26 Jul
Why Uniqua is one of the ONLY good female characters out there.

Hello, everybody! It's been a long time, hasn't it?

Well, you may be wondering why that is. The reasons why are actually quite simple, if you really think about it. Here's a list of our reasons for not writing blog posts in so long:

  1. We've been working a lot on Joe Reuben Cartoons and its main series, Moral Beaver's Road Trip. You can read our previous blog post for more information on that.
  2. Due to creative fatigue, we haven't really been writing blog posts about anything too special. Since then, though, we've found a ton of wacky characters and other subjects to write about—even animals!
  3. Life isn't about writing these dumb articles! It is about helping people be reconciled with the one who made them (Sorry about the Christianity reference there, but that's what Moral Beaver's Road Trip is for!).

So yeah, with those reasons, that is why we haven't been writing articles in a long time. Simply put, we had to put our focus away from writing these articles in order to find out what the true things in life are to do.

Now, with all of that out of the way, let's talk about the best female character of all time: Uniqua.

Uniqua is considered to be the main character of The Backyardigans by many people, even the creator of the show herself.

The thing is, that well... she isn't any recognizable animal on this planet. Rather, she is simply a "Unique creature". Interestingly, on some of the official concept art of the show, she is shown as being more like a reptile, as she has a curly tail and also has visible nostrils in the lost pilot episodes of the series.

So that's one reason why she is one of the only good female characters out there. Another reason why I think that she is one of the only good female characters out there is because of her personality.

She is described as having a sense of humor, and having an energetic personality. I don't see that much with female characters these days, as they generally (in modern movies (such as Enola Holmes and Enola Holmes 2) and TV shows) are shown to be feminists, saying things about how women rock (They most certainly do, but what about the men?) and how traditional society norms are to be broken at all costs (Chastising people should be broken at all costs, but...). With Uniqua, though, she doesn't do those things, but she still shows off her unique capibilities and characteristics. Tasha does the same thing too, so The Backyardigans has a great selection of female characters that people of both mainline genders can get into (...even though there are only 2).

The last reason why I think that she is one of the only good female characters out there is because of the fact that she is not made to have bigwell... you know what.

Basically, here's the way I go with things: I'm tired of seeing female characters who are pretty much designed around having big specific body parts or "hot" features. Yes, I am aware of how women in real life do have these features, but with anime characters or something else like that, then people usually go nuts and want to date these characters. Think about Tomboy Sunflower, that terrible menace to society, or any other female human/humanoid character these days. What do people want them for? Their "you know what"!

I know what you're thinking out there. "What do you have against women?!", you might be asking to yourself. The thing is, is that I do not have anything against females. They were made to help men not get so lonely. Think about what would happen if we had no women in the world. Although some would like to stay single, many people would probably go mad because they don't have anybody to mate and produce offspring with. You can't produce offspring with two people of the same gender, unless you are a worm, which is a hermaphrodite.

Not to mention, some of the world's greatest women didn't have to show off their "you know whats". They have instead shown off their wits and wisdom. While I do believe personally that women should be secondary to men because of my Christian beliefs, I do applaud these women for allowing people of all cultures and races to flourish. For once, women can still do what they do at home, and can be smart outside of that, too!

There you have it, folks! That was our come-back article, and a little bit of an entry into our more serious writing. I'll still be writing about silly stuff (like some of this article) every once in a while, but for now, this is what you'll be getting from us here on John Tvs' Blog of Wonders.

And remember, if you want to ask us about anything at all, do so in a quick e-mail to "tvsoffical@gmail.com" (Yes, it is spelled just like that).

Bye, now!

!הרבה אהבה וברכות

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