1 min read

"JT Plushies" is a pretty weird property of ours. It has some-what original characters, and its writing, at first, was very simple, until much later... when it kind of became a self-aware parody series, where all sorts of crazy stuff can happen.

But... since this is an original property of ours... what if we made an epic movie to cap it all off? It would be funny, weird, and just plain fantastical. So... you might be asking yourself, "Just what is this 'movie' about?". Well, hold on to your horses, bronco, because it's pretty wacky!

The plot of this movie is that it involves Scales The Komodo Dragon, who is a frequent antagonist of the original series. He gathers up some cronies to help him take down Plushie Valley, and ultimately, all of PlushTown itself. Under the command of Georgie The Platypus, Ringo The Lemur, and Wise-All The Owl, the plushies all go to fight Scales, and what ensures is hilarious comedy and some wacky plush battles at hand. If you like kitschy films, then you may want to give this one a shot. If you like to riff on films, then who said that you couldn't?

At John Tvs, we have low-quality comedy that works for everyone (*...or so that we hope*).

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