18 Nov
Why Homsar is the best Homestar Runner character.

Homsar? Who's Homsar? Glad you've asked! Homsar is a character in Homestar Runner that not much Homestar Runner fans actually know of. Homsar is a strange, white creature, just like Homestar himself. Unlike Homestar and literally all of the other characters, Homsar speaks "word salads", which are basically garbled sentences. Homsar is also very powerful, because he has the ability to levitate, fly, teleport, clone himself, make his voice sound like a crowd of people, hide like a turtle, shapeshift, morph and bend terrain, teleport like Nightcrawler, and he also can't be killed.

Homsar is so powerful, that he was immune to the Jibblies in Jibblies 2. Additionally, he has also survived a sled accident in A Decemberween Mackerel

So, why is Homsar so special? The reasoning is quite simple. He is the most powerful character in the series, as he could probably beat up any other character that could come in his way. He is also the most random character in the series, as he speaks garbled sentences that literally make no sense. He is also shown to be more intelligent than the other characters, as in the case of Marzipan's Answering Machine 17.2, he is aware of his own speech patterns, and even admits that what he usually says is "garbage".

In conclusion, Homsar is probably the best character in Homestar Runner, due to his power, strength, and intelligence. He is also sort of metafictional, as he knows everything about all of the other characters in the show, and he can deceive them easily.

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