19 Nov
An In-Depth Take on Disney's Ownership Problem

Just before you start to think that Workin' Stiff and Friends is an attack on Disney, it's not. Although it was originally intended to be that way, we made it to where anybody over the age of 12 could get into it.

But, how do we really feel about Disney and their ways? Well, we feel a little odd about it. 

One one hand, we like some of Disney's stuff. If it wasn't for the Mickey Mouse shorts, then our series, Workin' Stiff and Friends, wouldn't have been possible. We also have a guilty pleasure for the Mighty Ducks films, probably because we actually like hockey.

On the other hand however, it seems like Marvel, Star Wars, and especially The Simpsons have kind of been killed off by Disney, only being milked for money and profit.

Let's first look at Marvel. As you may know, Marvel is responsible for many popular superheroes and supervillians. My favorites being Nightcrawler, Deadpool, Venom, Howard The Duck, Lockheed, Moon Knight, and Fin Fang Foom.

But, now look at Disney films. Notice the lack of the X-Men and The Fantastic Four. Is it a coincidence when The Avengers became popular, that the X-Men seamlessly declined in popularity? No. Nothing is a coincidence. They did this because they knew that The Avengers was going to be their cash-cow, so they decided to market that way more than any other Marvel series.

Also, look at Star Wars, one of the best science-fiction film series of all time. When it got bought out by Disney, you could tell that something was odd about it. Mainly how the films cut down on the action, and focused even more on the characters. Also, Baby Yoda. That's a fragment, but that does prove a point. How much Baby Yoda merch do you see on store shelves? You see many.

The Simpsons used to be funny, edgy, and it had a lot of heart. But when Disney bought out FOX, The Simpsons became even more of a pushover, now having Bart Simpson wear genuine Mickey Mouse ears. Not to mention, the Plusiversary special was a blatant advertisement for Disney+showing Loki out of all characters, holding a freakin' credit card.

So, while Disney might've made a lot of good works, they have done bad, but at the same time, everything has done good and bad things, so we do not need to blame it on Disney, we don't need to blame the money situation on anything, because we all make mistakes.

And while Disney keeps milking their franchises, we can be thankful that these franchises even exist in the first place, and that even when these franchises are being milked, we can still celebrate the good times we have had with them.

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